
< Lab.SCHC FullSDK Documentation /

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FullSDK Reference Manual


Intended audience

This manual is intended for integrators/developers. It presumes that its readers have some familiarity with embedded software development, and with Internet of Things (IoT) domain.

You may also find the following documents useful:

  1. FullSDK Concepts
  2. SCHC: Generic Framework for Static Context Header Compression and Fragmentation

About lab.SCHC FullSDK

Lab.SCHC FullSDK was designed with the following characteristics in mind; developers should consider them during the development process:

For more information, please refer to the FullSDK Concepts page.

Public API functions

The following header files are provided for the SCHC interfaces, located in full-sdk/core/ case.

File Name API
fullsdkmgt.h Management interface
fullsdkextapi.h Management extension interface
fullsdkdtg.h Datagram interface
fullsdknet.h Network interface
fullsdkl2a.h Level 2 adaptation (L2A) interface

Management interface functions

The header file for the Management interface is fullsdkmgt.h.

The management interface has two roles:

Note: The management interface functions must be used to configure the stack before any functions of any interface are called.


The first function that must be called is mgt_initialize().

This function must be provided with:

List of Callbacks

Each callback will be called for a specific event.

Callback Event
mgt_processing_required Informs the application that one of the layers in the FullSDK stack has to perform some processing. The application must call the mgt_process() function as soon as possible but not from within the callback.
mgt_connectivity_state Informs the application about any modification of the connectivity state. The application should not try to send a message until connectivity is available.
mgt_start_timer Informs the application that a timer should be started. Timer period and ID are specified by the callback parameters. When the timer period expires, the mgt_timer_timeout() function must be called with the same ID used for the start timer.
mgt_stop_timer Informs the application that a timer must be stopped. Timer ID is specified by the callback parameter.
mgt_sync_bootstrap_result (optional) Informs the application about the result of the synchronization with the SCHC gateway. This callback is triggered when a response is received following a call to mgt_sync_boostrap(). Note that synchronization is an extended feature of lab.SCHC FullSDK. This callback can be omitted (i.e. set to NULL) when Sync is not used or when the SCHC gateway does not support it.
Memory block pointer

The initialization function must be provided with a pointer to a memory block allocated for the stack and the size of the memory block.

The application that integrates Lab.SCHC FullSDK stack has to allocate some memory (based on a formula, see below) from the volatile memory of the execution environment, and then provide it to the stack.

The formula is the following:

(4 * (max_mtu_size + max_app_payload_len + max_proto_size))


Maximum sizes

Finally, the initialization function must be completed with:

Synchronization bootstrap

This function is used to synchronize the SDK with the SCHC gateway. It is optional, and only compatible with Actility’s SCHC IPCore.

mgt_sync_bootstrap() must be provided with the following parameters:


This section refers to the FullSDK paradigm.

Every time a layer of the FullSDK stack needs to perform a processing as the result of some event, the mgt_processing_required callback is called.

It is then up to the application to call the mgt_process() function as soon as possible, but not from within the callback. In fact, a callback called by the lab.SCHC FullSDK must not call any lab.SCHC FullSDK function.


While using L2 technology having quasi-bidirectional links, which is the case with LoRaWAN in class A, polling packets must be send in order to trigger downlink packet reception.

Two functions are dedicated for that purpose:

These functions have no use for Class C and the Class B is not supported.


The mgt_get_version() function returns the version of the FullSDK library as a null-terminated string.

Extension of the Management interface

The header file for the extension of the Management interface is fullsdkextapi.h, located in full-sdk/api/<api>, depending on the application API.

The extension API provisions SCHC compression and fragmentation rules in binary format.

Header rules

This function should be called only when the FullSDK library is compiled using dynamic rule loading.

The mgt_provision_header_rules() function provisions the header rules, and considers the following parameters:

Payload rules

The mgt_provision_payload_rules() function provisions payload pattern rules in a binary format. The following parameters must be provided:

Fragmentation rules

The mgt_provision_frag_profile() function provisions the fragmentation rule for a single direction. In order to set a specific fragmentation profile for both directions (uplink and downlink), this function must be called twice with the selected rules.

The function must be provided with the following parameters:

Template parameters

Template parameters can be set with mgt_set_template_param() using the following parameters:

Template parameters can also be retrieved using the mgt_get_template_param() function by providing the corresponding parameter index in the template.

Other functions related to templates include:

Refer to the fullsdkextapi.h header files for more details.

Datagram interface functions

The header file for the Datagram interface is fullsdkdtg.h.

NOTE: Use the functions of the Management interface to configure lab.SCHC FullSDK stack before using the Datagram interface.

The datagram interface allows the application to send and receive data packets to and from a remote application.

The interface is similar to the Berkeley datagram socket interface:


The first function that the application must call is dtg_initialize() to initialize the the datagram interface before using it.

This function must be provided with the following parameters:

Socket creation

In order to be able to send or receive data packets, the application must now call the dtg_socket() function.

This function must be provided with the following parameters:

dtg_socket() returns a socket structure that needs to be used as parameter for the following local port binding functions.

Local port binding

dtg_socket() returns a socket structure that can be used by dtg_bind() to bind the application to an IPv6/v4 address and a local port for data packet reception.

If the application is not supposed to receive data packets from the remote application, it does not have to call dtg_bind().


A send operation is requested by calling the dtg_sendto() function on the corresponding socket structure. The function immediately returns a status that informs the caller whether the request has been accepted or not.

The request can be refused, for example when there is an ongoing send operation, or when the connectivity is not available.

If the request has been accepted, the result of the send operation will be provided later, by a call to the dtg_transmission_result callback (which is provided at initialization by dtg_initialize()) with the corresponding socket as parameter.

A new request for the same socket will not be accepted as long as the dtg_transmission_result callback with the corresponding socket is called.


When a data packet is received, the dtg_data_received callback (which is provided at initialization by dtg_initialize()) is called.

Check the header file (fullsdkdtg.h) for information about flow control for reception.

Socket closing

When a socket is no longer used, it must be closed, by calling dtg_close(). Any ongoing fragmentation process that could exist when calling dtg_close() is then terminated.

Network interface functions

The header file for the Network interface is fullsdknet.h.

NOTE:: Use the functions of the Management interface to configure lab.SCHC FullSDK stack before using the Network interface.

The network interface allows the application to send and receive raw IPv6 packets to and from a remote application.

In order to be able to use this interface, extension API functions (fullsdkextapi.h) must be formerly used to configure the network information.


The first function that the application must call is net_initialize() to be able to send or receive data packets.

This function must be provided with the following callback parameters:

net_initialize() returns a status code indicating whether the initialization is successful or not.


The configuration of the network interface highly depends on the application that uses it.

Configuration functions are provided in the extension API (fullsdkextapi.h header file) to meet the integrator’s specific application needs.


A send operation is requested by calling the net_sendto() function. The function immediately returns a status that informs the caller whether the request has been accepted or not.

The request can be refused, for example when there is an ongoing send operation, or when the connectivity is not available.

If the request has been accepted, the result of the send operation will be provided later, by a call to the net_transmission_result callback (which is provided at initialization by net_initialize()).

A new request will not be accepted until the net_transmission_result callback is called.


When a data packet is received, the related callback declared via net_initialize(), is called.

Check the header file (fullsdknet.h) for information about flow control for reception.

L2A interface functions

Lab.SCHC FullSDK provides a reference implementation of the L2A layer based on LoRaWAN technology.

The targets of the L2A reference implementation is currently the ST NUCLEO-L476RG microcontroller board, with either the SX1276MB1MAS or SX1272MB2xAS LoRaWAN shields and running the Semtech LoRa stack, in classes A or C. Class B is not supported.

The header file for the L2A interface is fullsdkl2a.h.

The layer-two adaptation interface (also called L2A) is required to bind the lab.SCHC FullSDK with the L2 stack (LoRa, etc).


The L2A layer is usually provided by the integrator who has to implement the list of functions available in the fullsdkl2a.h header file.

Note that these functions are only called by the lab.SCHC FullSDK and must not be called directly from the application code.


When the application calls the mgt_initialize() function (initialization by the Management interface), the l2a_initialize() function is implicitly called by lab.SCHC FullSDK.

This function can be used by the integrator to initialize the L2 stack and to store the callback functions provided as parameters:

l2a_initialize() returns a status code indicating whether the initialization is successful or not.

L2 Technology

Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls the l2a_get_technology() function to get information on the L2 stack used by the integrator.

The following technology profiles are supported:

Technology Profile Description
L2A_DEFAULT Recommended technology profile for LoRa with class C
L2A_DEFAULT_CLASS_A Recommended technology profile for LoRa with class A
L2A_LORA Technology profile described in RFC 9011
L2A_SIGFOX Technology profile for Sigfox


Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls the l2a_send_data() function to transmit a packet to the L2 stack. This function requires two parameters:

The integrator should handle the transmission of the packet to the L2 stack. When the size of the packet is set to 1 and the value is 0x00 in hexadecimal, the integrator must send an empty frame (see Polling in the Management interface functions).

MTU Size

Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls the l2a_get_mtu() function to get information on the maximum packet size (in bytes) that can be transmitted by the L2 stack.

Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls this function from time to time because the MTU may change. For example, with a LoRa L2 stack, the MTU may change when ADR is enabled according to the radio conditions. It is up to the integrator to retrieve this value from the L2 stack.

Device IID

Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls the l2a_get_dev_iid() function when the IPv6 address of the device is derived from L2 stack information.

It is used for LoRaWAN technology and can be implemented according to the formula referenced in RFC 9011 (section 5.3).

For other technologies, it must be returned false.

Next Transmission Delay

Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls the l2a_get_next_tx_delay() function to get information on the next uplink transmission slot (in ms) according to the L2 stack type and its configuration.

The next uplink packet transmitted by Lab.SCHC FullSDK using l2a_send_data() (see above) will be based on this delay.

For example, with a LoRa L2 stack, there is duty cycle limitation to follow before emitting over the radio.

L2 Processing

Lab.SCHC FullSDK calls the l2a_process() function every time l2a_processing_required callback (see above) is called by the integrator.

This function is used to handle asynchronous events received from the L2 stack. Call the following callbacks inside l2a_process():

| Direction | Callback | Description | | Uplink | l2a_transmission_result | When the event corresponding to the end of the transmission of an uplink packet is received from the L2 stack. | | Downlink | l2a_data_received | When the event corresponding to the reception of a downlink packet is received from the L2 stack. |

Handle in the same way any other asynchronous event (timer, etc.) that might need to be implemented by the integrator and can be processed here.

Additional interfaces

Additional functionalities for the lab.SCHC FullSDK are declared in separate interfaces that enhance and extend the capabilities of the main interfaces and the SDK itself. These interfaces are designed to provide advanced features, improve usability, and offer greater flexibility in integrating with our SDK

Statistics interface

The header file for the Statistics interface is fullsdkstats.h.

This statistics interface is used to provide SCHC information related to the number of SCHC compressed packets and SCHC fragments exchanged in uplink and downlink directions by the lab.SCHC FullSDK stack.

Packet counter
Fragment counter
ACK counter

These functions do not concern the No-ACK mode.


Advanced SCHC Configuration interface

The functions defined in the advanced SCHC configuration interface are used for tuning and customization. They will affect the way lab.SCHC FullSDK handle the applicative packets.

The header file for the SCHC Configuration interface is fullsdkschc.h.

This interface can be used to configure SCHC technology profile and fragmentation parameters.

Change retransmission timer
Change inactivity timer
ACK-Always mode

These functions are only used with ACK-Always downlink fragmentation mode.

Maximum ACK requests

Sample applications

Sample applications for the embedded device are available in the examples/ folder, within the full-sdk-delivery repository.

Our Demo examples aim to demonstrate how lab.SCHC software help the communication between heterogeneous protocols and create a bridge between IoT and IP worlds for fluid data exchange.



As the Demo examples are running over LoRa, a LoRa Network Server (LNS) must be configured first. The configuration is similar in many LNS:

  1. Provision a LoRa Gateway.
  2. Create an Application.
  3. Provision a device.
    • Select the appropriate frequency for your region.
    • Set the LoRaWAN version to 1.0.4.
    • Regional Parameters version can be set to 1.0.2 revision B for the RP001 region.
    • Enable class C support and Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA).
    • Generate and set the DevEUI and AppKey. End device ID must match the DevEUI.
    • JoinEUI should be set to zeros.
  4. Create an API Key to allow the SCHC Gateway to send downlink packets.
  5. Configure a Webhook Integration (HTTP).
    • Configure a JSON format.
    • Set the Token if required by the SCHC Gateway.
    • Set the target URL to point to the SCHC Gateway.

Hardware and software

Besides the configured LNS and LoRa gateway, you will also need:

AT Modem UDP Client

This example illustrates an end-to-end communication from a UDP client to a UDP server in a Python environment. It allows to test uplink and downlink packet transmission from a device (a board for the purpose of the Demo) and a destination server.

  1. The device application sends messages to the cloud application on a periodic basis.
  2. The cloud application displays every received message and sends back the message to the device application.
  3. The device application displays every received the message.

The example demonstrates how to use the SCHC SDK using the Datagram API through AT commands with a cloud application expecting IPv6 UDP frames. The demo files can be found in the /at-modem/udp-client/ directory of the lab-schc-examples repository.

cd lab-schc-examples/at-modem/udp-client/


This example considers a UDP server application with the IPv6 address abcd::1 running on port 22222 and the device configured in the SCHC Gateway with the IPv6 address 5454::2 and a UDP port number 33333.

  1. Build and flash the FullSDK ATModem example application.
cd full-sdk-delivery/
# Build:
cmake -S . -B ./build/ -DAPP_NAME=ATModem \
 -DTOOLCHAIN=gcc-arm-none -DTARGET=m4 -DPLATFORM=STM32L476RG-Nucleo \
 -DEXTENSION_API=template -DTEMPLATE_ID=dynamic && make -C ./build
# Erase and Flash:
OPENOCD_TARGET=stm32l4x.cfg make -C openocd/ erase && \
 OPENOCD_TARGET=stm32l4x.cfg BIN_FILE=build/gcc-arm-none/m4/ATModem.bin \
 make -C openocd/ flash

At this point you can already make use of the device as AT Modem and manipulate the stack via AT Commands. Open a serial communication program, such as minicom, and type the AT and AT? AT commands to verify the device is working properly. Close this serial communication before proceding with the demo.

  1. Launch the cloud Python application: the UDP server.
cd lab-schc-examples/at-modem/udp-client/
sudo python3 -m cloud -ip abcd::1 -port 22222
  1. Launch the device Python application: the UDP client.
cd lab-schc-examples/at-modem/udp-client/
python3 -m device --template device/compression_rules.bin \
 --dev-eui fe:ff:ff:ff:fd:ff:00:00 --app-eui 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 \
 --app-key 11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 \
 --ipv6-dev-prefix 5454:0000:0000:0000 --ipv6-dev-iid 0000:0000:0000:0002 \
 --ipv6-app-prefix abcd:0000:0000:0000 --ipv6-app-iid 0000:0000:0000:0001 \
 --ipv6-dev-port 33333 --ipv6-app-port 22222

If the program shows an error when opening the serial port, or you have multiple devices connected, edit the device/ file and set the SERIAL_DEVICE parameter to the correct value.

  1. Observe the terminal output as the UDP Client application communicates with the device through AT Commands:
    1. First, it will configure the device and instruct it to join the network.
     request  : ATZ
     request  : AT+SCHC=VERSION
     response : AT+SCHC=VERSION
     response : 3.0.0
     response : OK
     request  : ATE=0
     response : ATE=0
     response : OK
     request  : AT+DEUI=fe:ff:ff:ff:fd:ff:00:00
     response : OK
     request  : AT+APPEUI=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     response : OK
     request  : AT+APPKEY=11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11
     response : OK
     request  : AT+JOIN=C
     response : OK
     response : +JOINED
    1. Then, the SCHC compression rule is loaded.
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPL,SET,b1008418960186010101010101818302181c8e880c040102000081410602880d080101000081410002880e140101000081440001234502880f100101000081420000028810080101000081411102881108010100008141400288121840010200008100028813184001020000810102881418400102000081020288151840010200008103028816100102000081040288171001020000810502881818100101000081420000028818191001010000814200000224b2
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPLPARAMS,SET,0,5454000000000000
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPLPARAMS,SET,1,0000000000000002
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPLPARAMS,SET,2,abcd000000000000
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPLPARAMS,SET,3,0000000000000001
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPLPARAMS,SET,4,8235
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=TPLPARAMS,SET,5,56ce
     response : OK
    1. After that, the UDP Client program instructs the device to use the Datagram interface to set up the communication socket.
     request  : AT+SCHC=API,D
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=SOCKET
     response : 0
     response : OK
     request  : AT+SCHC=BIND,0,5454:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002,33333
     response : OK
    1. Finally, the device and UDP Server Application exchange IP packets.

      • On the device:
       response : OK
       response : +SENDOK,0
       response : +RECVOK,0:5A5251584B5247475955554D4F5853534559454F4D484A4E514F5341524957464B575655545959414D4754594C4D5648415A4C49414144434944524E4F4E4945
      • On de application side:
       starting udp server on [abcd::1]:22222
       receive uplink packet from the device [5454::2]:33333 b'ZRQXKRGGYUUMOXSSEYEOMHJNQOSARIWFKWVUTYYAMGTYLMVHAZLIAADCIDRNONIE'